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US Patent: D35,450
Hub Wrench
Amos Pierce Smythe (exact or similar names) - Oletha, TX

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : axle nut wrenches : axle nut wrenches that lock nut to wheel hub


Not known to have been produced

J. H. Bosley
E. M. Kirk
C. E. Hunt
J. C. Willson

Patent Dates:
Applied: Nov. 12, 1901
Granted: Dec. 17, 1901

Patent Pictures:
Amos Pierce Smythe Design patent December 17, 1901
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The physical features of the wrench are the socket, an arm with a bevel end, and and arm with a hook. Since Design patents address appearance the function of these parts is a matter of speculation, but it appears to fall into that general class where an axle nut wrench somehow clamps axle nut to the wheel so the nut and wheel can be screwed on and off the axle together.

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