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US Patent: 263,402
Die Stock for Cutting Threads
Charles Hart (exact or similar names) - Cleveland, OH

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : tap wrenches and die stocks


Hart Mfg. Co. - Cleveland, OH

Charles Richards
J. H. Burridge
C. M. Gillett

Patent Dates:
Applied: Apr. 24, 1882
Granted: Aug. 29, 1882

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Marketed as the "DUPLEX" adjustable die stock, in versions for pipe or bolts.

W. H. Burridge - patent attorney

My invention relates to die-stocks for cutting screw-threads, as hereinafter shown and described.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is;

1. In screw-stocks, the adjustable spring gage V, provided with pin g and arms e c, connected to said stock by means of screws inserted through slotted openings c1 c' in said arms, in combination with the cam-ring II, having a figured index or scale of sixes marked thereon, and a series of peripheral notches or stops, A, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.

2. In a screw-stock, the combination of the cam-ring H, having a series of peripheral notches or stops, clamping-ring L, and no gage V, provided with slotted arms e e and spring-pin g, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.

3. The cam-ring H, provided with an index or scale of sizes and a series of stops, h, in combination with the adjustable spring-gage V, arranged in relation to the die-stock and screw-cutters, substantially as and for the purpose described.

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