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US Patent: 4,095,492
Radiator Cap Turning Tool
Martin A. Makela (exact or similar names) - Waconia, MN

USPTO Classifications:
81/176.1, 81/3.43, 81/461

Tool Categories:
specialty tools : automotive tools

J-Mark Quality Products, Inc. - Minneapolis, MN

Not known to have been produced

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Mar. 11, 1977
Granted: Jun. 20, 1978

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
H. Dale Palmatier - patent attorney


A radiator cap gripping and turning tool having a stiff and flexible steel band formed in a loop, the ends of which are pivoted to a bar shaped link, upon which a handle is carried, the handle being swingable with the link over the top edge of the flexible band and into confronting relation with the top surface of the cap, thus permitting the application of downward pressure and turning simultaneously; the handle being swingable in the opposite direction to again cause the band to grip the cap and turn the cap in the opposite direction.

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