US Patent: 411,845
Drill-grinding machine
Oakley S. Walker (exact or similar names) - Worcester, MA |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Dec. 23, 1887 |
Granted: |
Oct. 01, 1889 |
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Jeff Joslin Vintage Machinery entry for O. S. Walker & Co. Eames et. al. v. WPI
Description: |
This patent date was seen on a "Worcester" twist-drill grinder from O. S. Walker & Co.This and patent 425,839 were subject of a lawsuit, Eames et. al. v. Worcester Polytechnic Institute; in that suit this patent (411,845) was found to be void for lack of invention in view of the prior art; claims 1 and 2 of 425,839 were held to be invalid, and claim 1 was held to be infringed. The two Walker patents were assigned to the complainant Eames, |