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US Patent: 480,246
Dehorning Implement
Alva C. Brosius (exact or similar names) - Cochranville, Chester County, PA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
agricultural : dehorning clippers


A. C. Brosius - Cochranville, Chester County, PA
M. T. Phillps - Pomeroy, Chester County, PA
James Scully - Pomeroy, Chester County, PA

S. H. Morrison
J. A. Johnson
Jason B. Clarke
M. M. Mason

Patent Dates:
Applied: May 07, 1892
Granted: Aug. 09, 1892

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
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This invention has relation to improvements in devices for removing the horns from animals; and it consists in the novel construction, arrangement, and combination of parts of which it is composed.


The herein described dehorning implement, comprising the frame having the slot e and shoulders c g, the stationary knife h, provided with the V-shaped cutting-edge and secured to the frame between the said shoulders, the movable knife having a corresponding V-shaped cutting-edge and adapted to slide is 8 the grooves m m, the follower k, having the toothed stem n, and the handles p p, pivoted to the solid frame at q q and provided with the toothed segments o o.

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