US Patent: 3,753,385
Mounting Adapter for Cutting Tools
Vincent Zarlengo (exact or similar names) - Wheatridge, Jefferson County, CO |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Aug. 06, 1971 |
Granted: |
Aug. 21, 1973 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Joel Havens
Description: |
An adapter for mounting cutting tools on milling machines, lathes, drill presses and the like comprises a body having an attaching extension for engagement by the chuck or other attaching device of the milling machine, a cutting tool attaching member movable axially with respect to the body and a control member arranged to be held stationary with respect to the milling machine. Cam members on the body and on the tool attaching member produce movement of the cutting tool such that it may move periodically or intermittently into and out of engagement with the work. |