US Patent: 1,353,616
Woodworking sticker or molder-head
John Shuff (exact or similar names) - Waukesha, WI |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Apr. 15, 1920 |
Granted: |
Sep. 21, 1920 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2 | 3
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Jeff Joslin
Description: |
This "Shuff Patent Sticker Saw Head" was featured in the 1925 catalog from Woodworkers Tool Works. The manufacturer was not identified. The description says, "Used for splitting moulding when two or more are run at the same time. A 1923 issue of The Wood-Worker has an ad for "The Shuff Stick Saw Head Attachment / Pat. Sept. 21, 1920": "Mfrd. by JOHN SHUFF, P. O. Box 45, Waukesha, Wis." |