US Patent: RE10,021
Andrew Saunders (exact or similar names) - Yonkers, NY |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jan. 10, 1881 |
Granted: |
Jan. 31, 1882 |
Reissue Information: |
Reissue of 234,689 (Nov. 23, 1880) |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
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Stan Schulz Saunders et al v. Allen (1894)
Description: |
Known examples includes both the original and re-issue dates.
In a lawsuit (Saunders et al v. Allen) decided in 1894, the 2nd claim in this patent was found to be void, because prior art [including patent nos.52,715 (Howarth), 65,066 (Foster) and 67,530 (Getty)] had already employed the components claimed. |