US Patent: 2,681,203
Ranch Pliers
William E. Seger (exact or similar names) - Los Angeles, CA |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
May 28, 1951 |
Granted: |
Jun. 15, 1954 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
The tool includes wire gripping surfaces to facilitate cutting and splicing barbed wire.
The patent cites U.S. patents no. 114,759, 362,981, 371,105, 596,572, 651,896, 690,860, 751,352, 1,879,402, 2,070,217, 2,462,250, and 2,577,299 as relevant prior art. |