US Patent: 34,493
Improvement in projectiles for rifled ordnance
W. H. Havens (exact or similar names) - Paterson, NJ |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Feb. 25, 1862 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Jeff Joslin
Description: |
Of interest because the inventor later manufactured a tablesaw."This invention consists in the employment for obtaining the rotary motion of a projectile in its passage along the grooves of a gun of a series of segments, combined with a conical portion of the projectile, whereby they are caused to be expanded into the grooves of the gun, by the act of driving home the projectile in loading, or by the action of the pressure of the gases against its base when the discharge of the gun takes place, but to remain permanently attached to the projectile in its flight. It also consists in certain means whereby a soft metal band applied to a projectile is made to secure to the body of the projectile the follower through which the expansion of the said band is produced." |