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All Patents of Type: machine and tool cutters
Patents 1 - 15 of 1018
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GB-180,502,844May 07, 1805M.I. BrunelSaws and machinery for sawing timbercircular sawmills
4,314XJan. 16, 1826W. Kendall, Jr.Saw teethinsertable saw teeth
6,704XAug. 15, 1831J. SpencerGumming and trimming sawssaw teeth
6,722XAug. 24, 1831A. Clarke, Jr.Saw trimmersaw teeth
7,632XJun. 29, 1833L. HitchcockSawsawblades
7,839XNov. 19, 1833J. ShugertGrooving and planing bitcutters
9,021XAug. 17, 1835L. FiskSawsawblades
988Oct. 26, 1838W.M. HuttonSide cutter-head for jointing, tonguing and grooving boardscutterheads
1,372Oct. 16, 1839J. GoveImprovement in circular sawscutters
3,090May 19, 1843S.D. SizerMethod of attaching bits eccentrically to their arbors, to be used in machinery for stocking guns and other purposescutterheads
3,317Oct. 25, 1843N.J. WyethImprovement in ice cutters and markerscutters
3,961Mar. 21, 1845B. BicknellMethod of fastening cutters in machinery for planing lumbercutterheads
5,334Oct. 16, 1847A. CaldwellImprovement in cutter-heads for planing-machinescutters
6,258Apr. 03, 1849E. ClarkSawsawblades
6,370Apr. 17, 1849H. KnowlesCutter for tonguing and groovingcutters
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