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All Patents of Type: trade specific
Patents 16 - 30 of 30
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4,768XMay 25, 1827S.K. Gauntt (Gaunt)Machine for crushing corn with the cobtrade specific
4,858XAug. 22, 1827T.F. MayhewGearing of cones for bowing hatsindustrial machine gearing
5,757XDec. 19, 1829O. RootMachinery for setting up hat bodies, called the hat body forming machinetrade specific
5,874XMar. 12, 1830W. CarlockMachine for washing and cleaning hatstrade specific
5,932XApr. 23, 1830I. OverallBoring rockstrade specific
6,205XOct. 22, 1830W. Morris, J. SpinksBoring earth for watertrade specific
6,212XNov. 01, 1830L. DisbrowBoring earth for watertrade specific
6,411XMar. 09, 1831S. BoydenManufacturing malleable cast irontrade specific
6,445XApr. 05, 1831R. WilcoxMetallurgical operations by chemical agentstrade specific
6,446XApr. 05, 1831R. WilcoxMetallurgical operations by anthracite coaltrade specific
6,447XApr. 05, 1831R. WilcoxMetallurgical operatons by bituminous coal, charcoaltrade specific
6,449XApr. 06, 1831S. BoydenManufacturing malleable cast irontrade specific
7,328XDec. 14, 1832N. CallenderManufacturing sheet iron, boiler, slit, and bar, also castingstrade specific
7,698XAug. 05, 1833G. Beard, Jr.Marking off and cutting out garmentstrade specific
7,962XJan. 18, 1834J.H. ChappellDraughting and cutting garmentstrade specific
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