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Patents for J. J. Greenough
Patents 1 - 15 of 32
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
2,718Jul. 16, 1842C.B. BaldwinCorn Sheller and Winnowercorn shellers
3,165Jul. 08, 1843D. BartholomewMachine for sawing clapboardsclapboard machines
3,184Jul. 20, 1843E. PrattSawing and planing by combining a plane with a sawreciprocating saws
3,252Sep. 01, 1843W. FosterMachine for cutting veneersveneer machines
3,355Nov. 24, 1843W. FosterSoapstone Oiler for Bench Planeplane oilers
3,683Jul. 30, 1844H. BakerMachine for making barrelsbarrel making machines
3,997Apr. 16, 1845J. SlocumCotton Presscotton presses
4,029May 01, 1845J. SempleSteam Coach Adapted to the Prairiestraction engine wheels
4,056May 21, 1845J. LeffelImprovement in water-wheelswater wheels
4,085Jun. 20, 1845J.B. CoffinBoring-machinedrilling and boring
4,091Jun. 25, 1845H. QuinSelf-setting sawmillsawmills
4,148Aug. 16, 1845T.A. RobertsonMachine for making wooden pegsdowel making machines
4,565Jun. 13, 1846J.J. GreenoughMachine for boring and mortising hubsmortising machines
4,730Sep. 03, 1846S. WiltImprovement in Plow-Clevisesclevises
5,150Jun. 12, 1847J. LeavensSash machinerywindow making machines
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