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All Patents in class 33/474
Patents 1 - 15 of 21
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
14,863May 13, 1856J. GorhamHandsawcombination saws
20,313May 18, 1858H. SmithDevice Attached to Handsaws for Squaring and Markingcombination saws
95,884Oct. 19, 1869H. CramerImprovement in Sawscombination saws
134,918Jan. 14, 1873G. MooreImprovement in devices for aiding cutting goods on a bias
208,104Sep. 17, 1878J.M. KurtzGlazier's Square and Rulesquares
293,497Feb. 12, 1884W.N. NashRule and Try Squaretry squares
343,616Jun. 15, 1886H.A. Cowles, A.S. UpsonSquaresquares
357,771Feb. 15, 1887W. De Voe, C.D. JanssenAttachment for squares
377,090Jan. 31, 1888J. SpringerDraftsmans' Lettering Aidspecial purpose gauges
626,258Jun. 06, 1899J.H. WhiteTailor's Squaresquares
750,204Jan. 19, 1904R.A. LachmannGagerule attachments
777,407Dec. 13, 1904E.J. EarlyCombination Drafting Appliancespecial purpose gauges
844,157Feb. 12, 1907L.R. LoughboroughDrafting Instrumentsquares
855,987Jun. 04, 1907A.B. SchlageterCombination-Squarebevel squares
1,002,734Sep. 05, 1911N.A. MorseSquare for Cutting Fabric on a Biasmiter squares
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