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All Patents in class 123/22
Patents 1 - 8 of 8
First set of recordsLast set of records
30,701Nov. 20, 1860S. Wilcox, Jr.Air Enginehot air engines
RE1,942Apr. 25, 1865S. Wilcox, Jr.Air Enginehot air engines
67,659Aug. 13, 1867N.A. Otto, E. LangenGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
293,179Feb. 05, 1884A. Cliff, C.W. KingGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
315,808Apr. 14, 1885T. McDonoughGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
337,226Mar. 02, 1886G.C. AnthonyGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
343,745Jun. 15, 1886S. WilcoxGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
666,368Jan. 22, 1901H.F. WallmanInternal Combustion Engineinternal combustion engines
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