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US Patent: 364,491
Daniel G. S. Davis (exact or similar names) - East Canaan, NH

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
work holding : workbench devices : bench stops


F. N. Gove - New York, NY

Jennie S. Clark
Leonard Davis

Patent Dates:
Applied: Mar. 31, 1886
Granted: Jun. 07, 1887

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
An article in the 1888-11-29 The Iron Age describes this invention and says that it is available from F. N. Gove, 16 Exchange Place, N. Y. Francis N. Gove was defendant in a couple of lawsuits. In one, Gove had $1100 erroneously credited to his bank account, which he withdrew. When the bank discovered the error and asked for the money back, Gove supposedly did so but the bank never saw the money. Gove claimed the teller took the money and the teller, who was doing business with Gove on the side, said that the money was given in payment for an unrelated transaction. The court ruled in Gove's favor. In an earlier lawsuit, Gove leased the rights to operate an iron mine in New Jersey, with the ore to be sold to the land-owner at a pre-arranged price. Following a complicated series of mortgages and sub-leases, and the land-owner refusing to accept more ore because they could not sell it at a profit, Gove claimed breach of contract and sold the land. The land-owner sued Gove, and won. Those lawsuits were the only pieces of information we could find on Gove.

F. N. Gove was co-assignee on an 1858 patent, 19,813.

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