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US Patent: 656,020
Gas Engine
Camille Hautier (exact or similar names) - Paris, France

USPTO Classifications:
123/182.1, 123/48D

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : internal combustion engines : gas and gasoline engines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Nov. 09, 1899
Granted: Aug. 14, 1900

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USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens

My invention relates to improvements in explosive-gas engines, and more particularly to the construction of the explosion-chamber and the object is to provide a means for increasing or diminishing the area of the explosion-chamber and providing a relief-outlet therefor whereby the starting of the motor will be facilitated by increasing the capacity of the explosion-chamber, thus reducing the force of the explosion and at the same time permitting a certain portion of pressure due to the exploding gases to escape into the atmosphere and after the motor is in motion to reduce the capacity of the explosion-chamber and at the same time confine the entire force of the pressure due to the explosion to the piston, it of course being understood that the charge of explosive mixture which is admitted to the explosion-chamber is constant at all times.

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