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US Patent: 644,027
Hydrocarbon-Vaporizer for Explosive-Engines
William Baines (exact or similar names) - London, Middlesex County, England

USPTO Classifications:
123/554, 165/52, 181/229

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : internal combustion engines : fuel systems


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Sep. 18, 1899
Granted: Feb. 20, 1900

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
Prior application filed in Great Britain, 05 Sept., 1898.


My invention has relation to a vaporizer for internal-combustion engines, adapted also to serve as a silencer for the exhaust-gases from the engine; and among the objects in view is to provide a device of the described character whereby the exhaust-gases from the engine are caused to pass therethrough and at the same timneheat the hydrocarbon to be vaporized whether the latter is mixed with the air or not. Thus the heat of the exhaust is utilized for vaporizing the hydrocarbon and mixing it with the air in a manner peculiarly suitable for the heavier mineral oils, while the temperature of the exhaust is reduced, causing less noise and smell.

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