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US Patent: 529,849
Can Opener
Joseph Bien (exact or similar names) - San Francisco, CA

USPTO Classifications:
30/436, 30/439

Tool Categories:
household : can and jar openers


A. B. C. Can Opener Co. - San Francisco, CA

H. F. Ascheck
S. H. Nourse

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jan. 30, 1894
Granted: Nov. 27, 1894

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
Joseph Bien patent Nov. 27, 1894
USPTO (New site tip)
Google Patents
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
From the specifications: "The object of my invention is to provide an apparatus for opening cans by means of a horizontal cut made around .. . the top of the can just below the top."

The patent describes the cutter incorporated into a can holder that would clamp to a table top.

A version of the cutter portion and an alternate holder for free-standing cans was advertised as the A.B.C. Can Opener.

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