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US Patent: 432X
Wreck Raft
Abraham Du Buc Marentille (exact or similar names) - Elizabeth, Union County, NJ

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
transportation : boats and ships


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Mar. 18, 1803

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Abraham Du Buc Marentille's letter to Thomas Jefferson
Most of the patents prior to 1836 were lost in the Dec. 1836 fire. Only about 2,000 of the almost 10,000 documents were recovered. Little is known about this patent. There are no patent drawings available. This patent is in the database for reference only.

In 1802, Abraham Du Buc Marentille wrote this letter to President Thomas Jefferson:

Elizabeth, New Jersey

27 Jan. 1802

Mister President,

It is not to the president of the United States of America that I take the liberty of addressing myself directly, but to Mr. Jefferson, the philosopher, friend of the arts and sciences and of everything that tends towards the good of humanity. I do not doubt, Mister President, that in the course of your labors and reflections, an interesting observation about the navy has presented itself sometimes to your mind and that you have said to yourself, “How is it possible that the astonishing progress of naval art has not yet given birth to anything for the rescue of the shipwrecked?” That reflection led me to some ideas that seem to me to be of great importance, and the attached memorandum will show you in two words what I have imagined. I claim to save, Mister President, nine-tenths of the unfortunates who perish at sea. I ask you very humbly for the favor of your influence and protection for the success of my request; and under your auspices, Mister President, the maritime world will see the birth of an interesting epoch.

Mr. Jonathan Dayton, United States senator, has been willing to take on the task of presenting my petition to the Congress. It seems that a serious discussion on the concession of privileges has caused him to deem it appropriate to defer its presentation. I dare to solicit your kindness, Mister President, to be willing to grant some interest to the success of my request on a subject of such great importance.

I am respectfully, Mister President, your very humble and very obedient servant

Du Buc Marentille

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