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US Patent: 424,939
Frederick W. Taylor (exact or similar names) - Philadelphia, PA

USPTO Classifications:
72/453.11, 72/453.18, 72/456

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : forging machines : power hammers


Not known to have been produced

J. A. Goldsborough
Joshua Matlack, Jr.

Patent Dates:
Applied: Mar. 08, 1890
Granted: Apr. 01, 1890

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Wikipedia biography of Frederick W. Taylor
The inventor is considered to be the father of management science; in 1881 he performed a "time study" at his then-employer, the Midvale Steel Co., which led to streamlined production methods and greater productivity. Taylor developed a theory of management science based on what he had learned in his career in manufacturing. In 1883 he completed his degree in mechanical engineering and the following year he became chief engineer at Midvale, but he soon resigned to become a consulting engineer. We do not know who, if anyone, manufactured his subsequent inventions. He became wealthy due to his patents related to steel processing, those patents coming from his 1898-1900 work at Bethlehem Steel.

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