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US Patent: 1,157,763
Tire Tool
John P. Cunningham (exact or similar names) - York, NE

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:


Case Tire and Tool Co, - Cincinnati, OH
Handy Manufacturing Co. - Cincinnati, OH
Case Tire Tool Co. - Des Moines, IA
J. P. Tire Tool Co. - York, NE

Robert M. Sutphen
A. I. Hind
J. Cox
C. F. Stroman

Patent Dates:
Applied: Sep. 23, 1914
Granted: Oct. 26, 1915

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
J. P. Cunningham patent Oct. 26, 1915
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Two piece tool to free or replace one side of a "clincher" tire from the wheel rim to facilitate access to the tube and enable tube repair without removing the wheel from the vehicle. The piece which slid the tire bead over the rim rode on the extended wheel hub. The other piece served as a tire iron to start the tire bead, and as a lever to slide the other piece during the removal / replacement process.

Two versions were produced - one with a fixed size hub pivot for Model T FORD wheels and a second with adjustable size hub pivot for hubs on other automobiles of the era. The hub pivot was lined with leather to protect the finish on the extended hub used on this style of wheel.

Contemporary ads indicate a series of producers; the earliest being the J.P. TIRE TOOL CO., York, Nebraska in 1915. Most commonly called the "CASE TIRE TOOL" as advertised in 1920. Known examples include the patent date and CASE TIRE TOOL on the piece with the hub pivot. Known examples of the "tire iron" portion have markings including 1 J.P. TIRE TOOL," "J.P. TIRE TOOL YORK, NEB" and "1 CASE TIRE TOOL."

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