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FR Patent: FR-10,441
Système de machines à vapeur
Steam engine
Henri Giffard (exact or similar names) - Paris, France
Henri Flaud (exact or similar names) - Paris, France

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam engines


Flaud et Giffard - Paris, France


Patent Dates:
Granted: Sep. 09, 1850

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
This patent dates from just after the time that Giffard had conceived of his water injector without any moving parts. Due to lack of money Flaud and Giffard could not afford to build a model, test it, and apply for a patent. Instead they used their limited resources to patent their steam engine, which according to a contemporary account of the engine running Flaud and Giffard's shop, was remarkably compact and smooth-running, with heavy shaft and large bearing surfaces. The steam engine was described as being larger than any of the machines it was powering. Giffard would eventually patent his injector in 1858; see patent FR-36,512.

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