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US Patent: 3,606
Hydraulic Propeller
Submerged Propeller
Peter Von Schmidt (exact or similar names) - Washington, DC

USPTO Classifications:
415/223, 440/38, 60/222

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : nautical propulsion apparatus
transportation : boats and ships


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: May 30, 1844

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The nature of my invention, called the submerged universal propeller, is, that the propelling power is obtained by the use of fans (similar to the common fans used for cleaning grain,) submerged in a peculiar manner below the surface of the surrounding water, and, the apparatus is so constructed, that a steam ship or any other steam vessel may be propelled ahead, backward, or turned round on the spot where it stands, or when under way without loss of time; or without being compelled to stop the steam engine in the operation of changing the direction and position of a vessel; it possesses further, the advantage over all other known mode of propelling, that a vessel may be stopped at pleasure for any length of time without the necessity of stopping the engine, the danger of accumulating a high pressure of steam, may be avoided, and therefore the danger of explosion of the boiler in a great measure diminished, particularly at the moment when the engine is set again in motion.

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