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US Patent: 577,770
George Washington Martin (exact or similar names) - Henderson, KY

USPTO Classifications:
269/243, 269/279, 81/165, 81/170, 81/179

Tool Categories:
wrenches : pipe and nut combination wrenches

George Washington Martin - Henderson, KY
Harry Morgan Stanley - Henderson, KY

Not known to have been produced

L. N. Acker
M. E. Fowler
J. L. Dorsey
J. S. Powell

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jun. 01, 1896
Granted: Feb. 23, 1897

Patent Pictures:
George Washington Martin patent February 23, 1897
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Although described as an improvement to patent no. 489,822 issued January 10,1893, the only thing the two patents have in common is the toothed jaw faces.

In this patent the major features are the shape and action of the movable jaw, the cone-shaped adjusting nut for the movable jaw, and the spring-loaded jaw surface in the fixed jaw.

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