US Patent: 20,337
Leveling Device Attached to Handsaws
Henry Disston (exact or similar names) - Philadelphia, PA |
Thomas L. Morse (Morss) (exact or similar names) - Philadelphia, PA |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
May 25, 1858 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Russ Allen. "Vintage Machinery" entry for Henry Disston & Sons
Description: |
One of the patents that is the basis of Disston's No 43, No 42, and No 39 combination saws. Text specifically mentions that it may be combined with the Jackson Gorham's patent 14,863 (also noted on the 43 series saws). Patent is for the levels in the handle positioned for plumb and level with respect to the back edge of the saw.
Note the spelling of Morse verus Morss. Strangely, the original patent page is missing the signatures to help asertain if this spelling is correct or an error in typesetting. Thomas L. is reported to be the father of Joab Morss of the venture of Disston and Morss. |