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US Patent: 63,039
Improvement in connecting-rods for machinery
Connecting-rod for sewing machines
Thomas Hall (exact or similar names) - Bergen, NJ

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
household : sewing machines


Not known to have been produced

J. B. McCune, Jr.
Thomas A. Macaulay

Patent Dates:
Granted: Mar. 19, 1867

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Vintage Machinery entry for Thomas Hall
The inventor's name was a common one and it seems that at least two same-name inventors were active in the same era: one was a notable early inventor and manufacturer of typewriters, and who would also manufacture a patent drill grinder. He variously lived in New Jersey, and in Brooklyn and New York City. This inventor is the one listed in VintageMachinery.org's Manufacturers Index. Another Thomas Hall was active in Massachusetts and obtained several patents related to textile machinery and sewing machines. Even though this current patent is related to sewing machines it seems to be for the first Thomas Hall.

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