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CA Patent: CA-69,208
Shield for fish or meat can
Frank Watts Burpee (exact or similar names) - Vancouver, BC Canada
James Moore K. Letson (exact or similar names) - Vancouver, BC Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
specialty machines : canning apparatus


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 08, 1900
Granted: Oct. 31, 1900

Patent Pictures:
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
Vintage Machinery entry for Letson & Burpee, Ltd.
This patent makes apparent that cans were, at the time, more complicated than they are now: they had an inner cap that contained a vent to let out steam during cooking, and a shield, or small additional piece of metal that covered the vent during cooking but still allowed steam to escape. An outer can-top was applied as soon as cooking was completed. The shield was made of scrap tin; this patent added a pair of small V-cuts to the shield and the resulting pair of small triangular sections were folded down to provide points that pierced the inner vent-cap and held the shield in place over the vent.

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