CA Patent: CA-380,483
John T. Hepburn (exact or similar names) - Toronto, ON Canada |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Apr. 04, 1939 |
CIPO Data Espacenet patent
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Jeff Joslin "Vintage Machinery" entry for John T. Hepburn, Ltd.
Description: |
"This invention relates to new and useful improvements in lathes and particularly to lathes used in the manufacture of shells. In manufacturing shells they must be a predetermined weight when finished and it is usual to weigh them before they form the recess in the base. The inspector or party weighing the shells marks in any suitable manner on the shell the excess weight. This mark is used as a guide in the finishing of the product as the shell is practically finished and the final operation of recessing and finishing the base allows the operator to set the machine to take off the necessary metal to bring the shell to the correct weight. The amount of material to be machined off per millimeter of base thickness bears a certain relationship to the weight in grammes and in my invention, I make use of this relationship to set the machine for making the necessary cuts..." |