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SE Patent: SE-4,066
Stallbar skrufnyckel
Johan Petter Johansson (exact or similar names) - Enkoping, Sweden

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench adjustment types : screw adjust wrenches


B. A. Hjorth Co. - Enkoping, Sweden

none listed

Patent Dates:
Granted: May 11, 1892

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
J. P. JOHANSSON patent May 11, 1892 (image edited)
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Johan Petter Johansson (wikipedia)
BAHCO wrench evolution (melbys.net)
SE-4066 (Espacenet)
Adjustable jaw open end wrench. Called "first generation" by some tool collectors. Tool historians consider this along with the "Clyburn Spanner" to be foundational patents for adjustable open end wrench design.

Swedish production primarily by B. A. Hjorth & Co. (BAHCo). This design was produced through 1910; subsequently improved and modified (e.g. see SE-38,643 for 1911 and SE-40,417 for 1914 modifications).

The patent drawing image is distorted as it was obtained by photographing pages in a bound volume.

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