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GB Patent: GB-190,703,678
Improvement in saws
John Henry Barker (exact or similar names) - Sheffield, England

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : circular saws : insertable saw teeth
woodworking machines : machine and tool cutters : insertable saw teeth

Moses Eadon & Sons - Sheffield, England

Moses Eadon & Sons - Sheffield, England


Patent Dates:
Granted: Oct. 31, 1907

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
Vintage Machinery entry for Moses Eadon & Sons
The inventor was the "Works Manager" of Moses Eadon & Sons. "The object of our invention is to provide the means of increasing the durability of the cutting edges, and efficiency of certain descriptions of saws, such as circular, cross cut, band, mill and frame saws, and the like, where the teeth are of sufficient size to allow of commercial application of our invention..."

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