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US Patent: 374,425
Lewis F. Parks (exact or similar names) - Cincinnati, OH

USPTO Classifications:
144/198.1, 144/201, 144/202, 144/241

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : joint making machines : tenoning machines


Lewis F. Parks - Cincinnati, OH
Parks Ball Bearing Machine Co. - Cincinnati, OH


Patent Dates:
Granted: Dec. 06, 1887

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Vintage Machinery entry for Parks Woodworking Machines Co.
Here is an extract from a 1988 article on the Parks Ball Bearing Machine Co. by Dana Martin Batory: "(Parks) came to Cincinnati in 1884 and began to manufacture his first foot-powered mortising and tenoning machine which evolved into the GEM. Parks was the first to put such a tool on the market. In 1885, he introduced the first tenoning tool to be used in a mortising machine. He then had his first experience with the cut-throat business world of the 19th century. It was immediately copied by others. Patents obtained December 6, 1887, July 24, 1888, and November 19, 1889 solved the problem." The other two patents are 386,653 and 415,394, respectively.

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