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GB Patent: GB-182,104,593
Extension of Improved Methods of Generating and Applying Steam
William Bartholomew Congreve (exact or similar names) - Westminster, London, Middlesex County, England

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam engines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Sep. 28, 1821

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
Improvements to patent GB-181,804,298

The rotary and reciprocating steam engines are worked in a medium of fluid metal, and their power is increased by keeping the temperature of the medium higher than that of boiling water. The energy of the steam may be made equal to that used in a high pressure engine, though the hot fluid mass may be open to the air; and with the medium in a closed vessel having communication with a condenser, and thus removing the atmospheric pressure, a further expansion of the vapour and increase of power may be obtained with a given temperature. By working the hydraulic wheel in a medium having a specific gravity ten times greater than that of water, a small wheel two feet in diameter would exert the same power as a wheel twenty feet in diameter in boiling water, and the size of the boiler also and the quantity of fuel consumed be greatly reduced. An alloy of equal part of tin and lead melts at about 300°F, fusible metal at 200°F, and there is no difficulty in keeping either composition in a state of fluidity.

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