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GB Patent: GB-181,604,187
Certain improvements on steam engines
Improvement on a steam wheel
Moses Poole (exact or similar names) - Lincoln's Inn, London, England

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam engines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Dec. 15, 1817

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
Grace's Guide page on Moses Poole
The "inventor" was actually a patent agent for a foreigner living abroad, who is unidentified. Poole was the dominant patent agent of the day, and in the 1820s and '30s, was one of three agents who controlled most of that business.

According to "Abridgements of Specifications Relating to the Steam Engine": "The inner cylinder has to 'opening leaves or valves' attached to it by 'hinges,' which fold back into recesses, and form a smooth cylindrical surface, when the pass the 'steam stop' fixed on the outside cylinder. Steam wheels on constructions similar to this have failed, chiefly from the difficulty of preventing the waste of steam between the sides of the wheel (or moveable cylinder) and the flat end pages of the enclosing cylinder; also between the edges of the propellers (pistons) and circular channel, and between the wheel and steam stop. The packing of hemp, cotton, or of yarn, or plaites of yarn lubricated with tallow that has been applied produces great friction and loss of power when the compressure of the substances is sufficiently great to make the joints perfects steam-tight..." The innovation in this patent was to use a rounded piston riding in a correspondingly shaped cylinder; a groove in the piston holds the gasket, of plaited yarns that projects somewhat beyond the edge of the piston. Alternatively, brass packings (piston rings) can be used, with springs to press them outwards.

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